Did you know?
- Target millions of mobile and web users around the world with our global mobile billing solutions.
- SMS is a simple, effective way of cost and ensuring that your message is heard by your audience. SMS gives you the power to easily & fast communicate with and obtain feedback from people, wherever they are.
- Our mobile campaign tools allow for the delivery of scalable mobile solutions. Mobile billing and messaging is available. Deliver your campaigns with Mobile Marketing.
Digital Solutions
Digital marketing promotes products, brands via some forms of electonic media (computers, smartphones, cellphones, tablets). Digital marketers monitor things like what is being viewed, how often and for how long, sales conversions, what content works and doesn’t work, etc. If you need things in real time, any time and any place, you will use digital marketing cause you can get analyzis of marketing compaings in all different methods. Now you will be able to know not only what company says about your brand, but what media, friends and others says as well.
People want brands they can trust, companies that know them, communications that are personalized and relevant, and offers tailored to their needs and preferences. It’s not enough to just know your customers; you must know them better than anybody else so you can communicate with them where, when and how they are most receptive to your message. To do that, you need a consolidated view of customer preferences and expectations across all channels – Web, social media, mobile, direct mail, point of sale, etc. The deeper your insight into customer behavior and preferences, the more likely you are to engage them in lucrative interactions.
SMS Premium
SMS Premium is used as a billing mechanism for the purchase of mobile content or other services, usually mobile-related.
PSMS Marketing
PSMS Marketing is a quick way for a user to pay for a service and a simple way for companies to interact with their customers.
WAP Marketing
WAP Marketing is a form of advertising which uses Internet to deliver promotional marketing messages to a customers.
WEB Marketing
WEB Marketing helps your business in many ways: data capture, personalization of web experience, competitor analysis and overall cost reduction.
Mobile Advertising
Offers you advertising true mobile (wireless) phones. It's not the same like Internet advertising. It's much better, simple, faster, cause in mobile internet you get the feedback with users. As the advertising in mobile is rapidly increasing, take out and grab your oppertunity for a faster and better market advertising. Maketing true mobile device is rapidly evolving, and sms/mms has become the most popular branch of the Mobile Marketing industry.
Customer Support
Do you have issues with your service? Do you have any suggestions or a feedback? Do you want to know and learn more? Or you simply want to meet us?